Why do we live in such a suffocating society? Why are we FORCED to give up our personal desires and values and melt ourselves into the societal mould which, mind you, is nothing but a construction of fake, hypocritical beliefs and customs? Why do we feel like we need to make a hard choice between giving up ourselves or giving up loved ones and relations who fail to accept us for who we really are instead of who they want us to be?

We, as individuals, need to take back our power.

The society may shape our minds but not our hearts. Because whats in our hearts stays true to us forever and always, like a loyal friend struggling to keep his place even when we let this shallow society take away our free will to think, even when we find ourselves signing a passive slavery pact. The heart is a true keeper. What resides in there is eternal; pushed far away in to the deepest corner of our souls, waiting for a desperate opportunity to escape.

But for most people, sadly, that opportunity never comes. That pristine essence of their unique personality never gets a chance to surface. And so they go on foolishly living crafted lives as puppets in a predetermined, monotonous storyline being unhappy and frustrated because they’re not doing what their inner being really wishes to do.

For every person whos struggling and unhappy, I hope you break free of the shackles that keep you bound. I hope you find courage to make the decision to break free and set foot on the path your heart has been craving your entire life. I hope you find the determination to keep on walking on that path. Difficulties will arise, and so will obstacles. But be patient. Stay strong and keep going. Nothing in this universe can be more powerful than a burning desire backed up with determination. No rules, no obligations, no circumstances, no people.
Life is short. Really short actually. Don’t live life for other people, live life for your self. Dont dedicate bits and pieces of it to the world, dedicate every zit and inch of it to yourself. You were born for a reason; you’re here for a reason. You’re arrival was no accident or incident. You were gifted with a life at a particular moment on a particular day for a reason. Go find that reason. When you find it, go live that reason.

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